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Recent Advances in Monkeypox (Mpox): Characterization, Diagnosis, and Therapeutics - A Multidimensional Review
  • Suresh Kumar,
  • Dhanyashri Guruparan,
  • Kalimuthu Karuppanan
Suresh Kumar
Management and Science University Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

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Dhanyashri Guruparan
Management and Science University Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
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Kalimuthu Karuppanan
SRM Institute of Science and Technology (Deemed to be University)
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Monkeypox (Mpox) is an uncommon viral infection closely related to smallpox, manifesting as a milder febrile rash in affected individuals. Over the past two decades, the incidence of Mpox has surged, possibly linked to a declining immunity against the smallpox vaccine worldwide. Recent outbreaks of Mpox in multiple countries have sparked concerns regarding altered transmission patterns and the potential for a global menace. In this article, we present a multidimensional review, encompassing the latest scientific discoveries, illuminating the intricate structure of human Mpox virus. Additionally, we explore noteworthy breakthroughs in diagnostic techniques and therapeutic interventions. By shedding light on the molecular aspects, epidemiological trends, and clinical manifestations, our review aims to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of Mpox, providing critical insights for the field of virology and guiding public health efforts in combating this emerging threat.