Ateş Mehmet Akşit

and 1 more

Objective This study aims to determine to what extent audiological test data effected on decision-making in the diagnosis process of patients who have hearing loss. Design Survey study Setting and Participants The audiological test results of six pathologies (auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder-ANSD, Menieré’s Disease-MD, superior semicircular canal dehiscence-SSCD, large vestibular aquaduct syndrome-LVA, chronic otitis media-COM, and secretory otitis media-SOM) belonging to five different patients with a definite diagnosis were presented to 87 otolaryngology (ENT) physicians. The physicians were not informed about patient histories and otoscopic findings. The breakdown of the physicians according to their specialization was as follows: 19 were residents, 53 were ENT specialists, 6 were associate professors, and 9 were professors. The participant physicians were asked to indicate possible pathologies (one or more) for each audiological outcome. The answers given were classified as “correct,” “undefined” and “incorrect.” Main outcome measures To determine how effective only audiological reports are for the diagnostic decision-making role was evaluated by analysing the percent of “correct” answers according to their work place and title. Results The mean “correct” response rate for all pathologies was 19.2%, and the ” incorrect” response rate was 38%. The ratio of “undefined” answers was 41.8. The “correct” prediction rates for each pathology, were 26% for ANSD, 32% for SOM, 19% for MD, 16% for COM and 14% for SSCD. There was no “correct” prediction for LVA. Conclusion Audiological tests are likely to support the decision-making process for the ENT physician when they are accompanied by other (case history, otoscopic examination, radiological findings etc.) The audiological report content may increase the diagnostic value of audiological tests.